Another thing I love to do is make stuff out of pom poms. Giant ones, little ones, I think I taught the second graders how to make pom poms one year. I thought we'd start with a project that adults might enjoy. I made this chick with an attitude last year. Let's make more!

Start wrapping the yarn around those fingers until you have a good ball amount.
I notice I don't have a good picture here showing how I used that 12" piece. Let me try to explain. You can see the one end in the front of my hand and the other end is behind. Pull the end from behind, around the front, through your fingers and across the ball to meet the other. I hold these together and slip the whole thing off my hand. Make sure this piece is centered on the ball and tie firmly. If you have trouble with that let me know!

Turn your body shape upside down. In the middle going across make an opening in the ball. Set your legs in there, pointy end is the back. Close the yarn over and turn it over. How does it look? If it's lookin good turn him back over and glue your legs in. Make sure to push the yarn over the 1/2" leg strip so you can't see it. Let him dry. It's winter, let him dry in front of the heater.

Black, round headed pins, cut short with pliers are perfect for the eyes. Again, open the yarn where you'd like the eyes. If you're anything like me you'll be poking around for a while. When you have them where you'd like them, a little glue in the hole will do the job. Now you can glue the head to the body.
I tell the second graders, when you glue paper be sparing with the glue, when you glue felt and pom poms don't be!
I'm sorry, that was a lot. It really is easy and fun though. I'll tell ya about what he's standing on later, I think I've talked enough.
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