Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Slow Progress

Here's where I'm up to today with my realistic bear. I've decided to hand sew because it gives me more control.
Here's my example of a nonrealistic bear, her name is Heather. Heather is almost human like in proportions and stance, a bear doll.
Bears usually walk on all fours. 
William had a hard day at the vet so I thought I'd include him!

Joanne's blog post below discusses the difference between a teddy bear and a real or realistic bear! 



  1. FLORIDA MOM & GRANDMAMarch 19, 2013

    Please give my Grandcat a hug from Florida Grandma. Miss Felicia (my bear with her very own feather boa) and I are enjoying watching the progress on the new bear.

  2. I am also enjoying watching your progress. Poor William does not look happy.

  3. I'm pecking away here and the cats are adjusting to a new diet... ugh!
