Monday, November 28, 2011


Ajax was an adopted shelter dog with a lot of personality. He will always be lovingly remembered by his owner.


  1. He really turned out well, I love the last two pictures. You really have captured him.

  2. My encourager, thanks Joanne!

  3. Oh, she really captured him! I sent another picture of just his face - her sculpture blended both... He was a soulful dog, and the sculpture captures that.

    I plan on ordering another in January of Ajax's companion Austa who was also a shelter dog.

    Thanks again Karen! And since I also bought the little Kitty featured here, your cats don't look like dogs to me. As an artist myself, I think what may make you think that, is the thickness of the front legs - but to my eye, that is necessary structurally to help the sculpture sit properly. She looks ALL cat to me!!
